Top Study Abroad Programs

top study abroad programs

One in three students at Michigan State University study abroad, making the university one of the best in the nation for this type of study. The university has numerous study abroad options, including in countries such as China, France, Argentina, and the U.K. In fact, students can study abroad in as many countries as they choose. Students can also choose to study in the United States and earn a degree in the process. MSU student Sienna Mohl completed her B.A. in Communications, with a minor in Sales Leadership.

In addition to study abroad opportunities, a student can earn a degree through an American university’s partnership with the Global Center for Global Education. During their study abroad program, students earn up to 19 credits, while participating in homestays in a foreign country. Moreover, students can choose from more than 200 undergraduate and graduate majors, which make the school one of the best options for international study.

In addition, students can explore English literature through the lens of other countries. They can study the works of their favorite authors in the places where they were originally written.


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