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Colleges in Canada Under SPP


The Student Partners Program is an initiative of Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. It provides international students with high-quality education at low tuition fees. In fact, there are more than 40 colleges and universities that are part of this program.

Students are advised to apply at least three months before the academic session begins. If you fail to meet the eligibility criteria, you will not be able to qualify for SPP.

Before applying for SPP, it is important to understand the full procedures involved in the process. These steps include acquiring a GIC, uploading your documents, and a medical test at a designated Canadian government clinic.

To enroll in SPP, you will need to provide proof of payment for tuition fees. The amount can vary depending on the course you choose. You will also need to have enough funds to support your living expenses during the first year in Canada. For example, you should have at least $10,000 in cash or GICs to cover your living expenses.

You may be required to provide proof of your language proficiency. For example, you may need to provide an IELTS score of 6.0. However, you will not need to produce income tax proof.

Once you have chosen a college, you will need to select a program that suits your interests. Most colleges under the SPP program offer technical and vocational courses. They also provide students with practical experience.

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