Study Abroad in New Zealand

Studying abroad in New Zealand is becoming an increasingly attractive option for international students. Situated near Australia in the South Pacific, this safe country boasts numerous top-notch universities that provide students with an unforgettable study abroad experience.

Experience breathtaking landscapes, vibrant Maori culture and top-notch education in one of the world’s most diverse countries. API offers fully staffed programs to help you make the most of your time in this stunning country.

With eight universities across New Zealand, New Zealand provides excellent educational options in a range of subjects. Each school is ranked within the top 3% worldwide by QS World University Rankings and boasts an impressive array of academics in science, humanities, health care and Indigenous studies.

Experience a Great Walk, become immersed in Maori culture and marvel at stunning landscapes that could only be imagined by The Lord of the Rings – all while studying at one of the world’s top universities!

Make new friends and form a community while studying abroad in New Zealand. Kiwis are known for their friendliness, so you’re sure to quickly connect with other students and get acquainted with your host country.

Enjoy an array of sports, such as rugby and cricket. These games are highly regarded in New Zealand, and kiwis love cheering on their national teams with passion.

Experience New Zealand’s delicious cuisine during your free moments. From Pavlova and meat pies to pineapple lumps and white wine, you’re sure to find something you’ll enjoy while in this wonderful country.


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