How to Find a Study Abroad Foundation Grant

study abroad foundation

Studying abroad does more than look great on your resume or add an intriguing line to your Instagram bio; it helps develop skills that will be essential for future success. A recent study by AIFS Foundation discovered that students who participated in for-credit study abroad programs were more likely to graduate on time with an improved GPA – 0.16 points more likely! – than their counterparts who didn’t take part.

Scholarships enable anyone, regardless of financial constraints, to enjoy life-altering experiences that transcend financial limitations. Finding study abroad grants can be difficult – it is best to start the search early while being creative and persistent in your efforts.

Students enrolled in KU’s study abroad programs may qualify for various scholarships to assist with expenses related to study abroad programs, including the KC SAGE Scholarship for undergraduate students attending non-KU programs abroad who are financially restricted; the KOSA Summer Scholarship provides room and board, tuition fees, books and travel costs coverage to freshmen with demonstrated needs; as well as full funding from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia through its Fellowship.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund at KU is another invaluable resource, providing funds that can help students cover a range of costs associated with study abroad experiences, including application fees, program costs and travel expenses. Scholarships range in value from $500 to $3,000.


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